This is 'Larry's Desk, my site which consists of various articles, notations, and materials pertaining to a variety of interests and subjects that I have encountered in my varied career. Having been immersed in the Doukhobor milieu, both personally and professionally, for decades, I have run into a wide range of information, much of it being noteworthy, and I will be sharing this information with visitors to this site.
My intention is not to present a history or a reference which is being ably done elsewhere, but to present interesting side lights which may or may not appear on other sites.
In addition, there may be pieces pertaining to my family and their lives, the Verigins and the Ewashens.
Upcoming site entries will include more of my musical interests, music samples, articles I've written, and on going research - all items which should find a receptive audience from specialists to the casually interested.
I hope you find this site worthwhile, and will come back and visit from time to time to note new materials and its growing number of historic documents and related over views of present day and historical matters.
Editing of the site continues, and articles of temporary interest are removed - however an archive of interesting material will be preserved here.
If you have questions or comments arising from material on this site, or if you want to be added to my 'alert' group [notifications are sent out whenever a new item is posted] you may contact me at: [email protected]
Larry A. Ewashen
My intention is not to present a history or a reference which is being ably done elsewhere, but to present interesting side lights which may or may not appear on other sites.
In addition, there may be pieces pertaining to my family and their lives, the Verigins and the Ewashens.
Upcoming site entries will include more of my musical interests, music samples, articles I've written, and on going research - all items which should find a receptive audience from specialists to the casually interested.
I hope you find this site worthwhile, and will come back and visit from time to time to note new materials and its growing number of historic documents and related over views of present day and historical matters.
Editing of the site continues, and articles of temporary interest are removed - however an archive of interesting material will be preserved here.
If you have questions or comments arising from material on this site, or if you want to be added to my 'alert' group [notifications are sent out whenever a new item is posted] you may contact me at: [email protected]
Larry A. Ewashen